This is what I call: "When Good Characters Go BLACK!!!" (Like Grover from the Percy Jackson books, Lafayette & Tara with "True Blood," John Stewart - Green Lantern headlining the Justice League cartoon.)
DC Comics is about to introduce a new
Aqualad to the world of comic books and television. (The original Aqualad, who used to hang with Aquaman, is now a character called Tempest.) A new animated series called
"Young Justice" has been created, using the characters of Superboy, Speedy (really Arrowette), Ms. Martin (I love you!), Robin, Kid Flash (or is he Impulse?) and Aqualad!!!! (Where the hell is Wonder Girl?) If you don't know, all of the characters of Young Justice are really the sidekicks of the big, major heroes like Superman, Green Arrow, Martin Manhunter, Batman, Flash and Aquaman. What's most exciting is that Aqualad is black!!! Yea!!! It's about time.
I think it's DC's responsibility to start consciously putting out some long lasting decent black characters. Their track record isn't too great with keeping characters alive. Especially, people of color. Apparently, the "new Atom," the microscopic superhero was reinvented as an Asian man. Sounds ground breaking, right? Well, apparently, he wasn't popular enough and --- now he's dead. Ray Palmer, the original has returned. (DC is
really brutal in the Killing Heroes Department.) So, hopefully, this new Aqualad will stay around and make comic book history.