Saturday, May 3, 2008

Party Pix!!!

I'm still basking in the glow of my party. So many wonderful people came. Great gifts, too. It was nice getting together my old friends, new friends, work friends, straight friends and gay friends. Everybody got along well and there were a couple of spots of news (good and bad) along the way --- but, absolutely NO drama. (And, that's saying something for MY crew.) No, 40 doesn't feel any different. No, it's not the new 25 --- which somebody told me this week. (Nor would I want to be 25!) It may be the new 30. But, 30 year olds think they're old and don't realize that 30 is still young until they're 40. But, I'm not going to make that mistake with 50. Dagnabit --- it just doesn't feel that old anymore. Wise up 30 year olds!!! Live! Live! Live!!!

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