My heart broke when I heard about the sudden passing of
Elisabeth Sladen on Tuesday from cancer at the age of 63. Some of you were privy to my drama, heart break and tears that night. And, I appreciate your patience. No --- Michael Jackson did not
move me, but Elisabeth Sladen did! (Sorry, Mike.) Elisabeth Sladen played The Doctor's most famous -- and among the most
popular companion,
Sarah Jane Smith, a role she began in 1973. After a return appearance in Doctor Who, "
School Reunion," Sarah Jane Smith returned with her own series ---
The Sarah Jane Adventures. Initially, I thought the show would be corny and I couldn't figure out why she was running around with children, but I thought the show was incredible. She fit perfectly into the Whoverse and was obviously taken seriously by the right people. The show ran four season and I'd heard it was picked up for a fifth. Really. It broke my heart because I had absolutely fallen in love with Sarah Jane and her crew: Maria, Clyde, Luke and Rani. I was totally looking forward to future adventures. But, since the DVD-BBC --- across the pond translation --- system ('series,' whatever you want to call it) is behind ... there is
at least another season --- season #4, to look forward to. If you love Doctor Who, I believe you will love Sarah Jane. I will sorely miss you, Elisabeth Sladen. You were amazing --- as a reporter and investigator, Sarah Jane Smith. Or as The Doctor would say, "
My Sarah Jane."
The Sarah Jane Adventures

Negotiating with a Sontaran

With Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
Maria (Yasmin Paige), Clyde (Daniel Anthony), Sarah Jane, Luke (Tommy Knight)and Rani (Anjili Mohindra)
Team supreme: Sarah Jane, Rani, Clyde & Luke

Sarah Jane not getting the joke with son, Luke and fiance

Luke and his mum, Sarah Jane

The Trickster!!!
Boo!!! Hiss!!!
The 10th Doctor (
my Doctor) and K-9 in the TARDIS!

My Sarah Jane with time travel technology

Clyde, Sarah Jane and Rani

Jo Grant (Katy Manning) and Sarah Jane

The 4th Doctor (Tom Baker)

Rani in trouble!

The SJCrew with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney)

The 11th Doctor (the fabulous, Matt Smith) and Jo Grant!