The back of the photo says, "Detroit Comic Convention April '94." Never mind what the
hell I'm wearing!!! I think I was into "layering" then and ---
cringe-worthy --- "Afrocentric accessories! " Let's not even get into the hair, which I think was relaxed, faded and ramped up on the top and sloped in the back. Led astray by "fashion." But, that's me with my cool ass, artist brother,
Billy (who doesn't
ever update his
BLOG!) and the MAGNIFICENT (not an understatement) ---
George Perez, artist extraordinaire of The New Teen Titans, Justice League and Wonder Woman fame!!!! Back in those days, my brother and I would hit the comic book circuit, doing the conventions, in an attempt to get him work from DC Comics. (You saps
really missed out.) George was responsible for a lot of my comic book history. He did those incredible cross-overs between the
Justice League and Earth 2's Justice Society. (This is

when DC was
really cool. Guys, you kinda
suck right now with all of the blood, gore, violence and unnecessary deaths. Criminey! Folks are praying for "
resurrections" now! What's up
?!?) I was always looking forward to those legendary cross-overs. Plus, anytime George drew
anybody in the DC Universe or covers to a random book, it was an
event! For those that don't know, George is known for ---- and this is also an understatement ---- for being
very detailed. He could put fifty million superheroes in one panel and you could still tell who was who. And, rubble. Who could forget about the tons and tons of rubble after any superhero battle?
Massive battles. George is no slouch. And, I'm glad to see that he's still cranking out the incredible work.
Wonder Woman
George is also known for revamping
Wonder Woman. I don't think he's ever been given the proper credit for this outstanding work. He grounded Princess Diana (no longer Diana Prince), heavily in the world of the gods, goddesses and creatures of myth. He explained why her name is "Diana," her connection to Steve Trevor, why she was swathed in the American flag, why there was a gun on Paradise Island (renamed Themyscira), where the Amazons came from (women slain at the hands of men and resurrected), explained why these women were on an island of their own, away from men, why her Queen Mother, Hippolyta was the
only Amazon to give birth, turned her tiara into a weapon, aged Steve Trevor and hooked him up with Etta Candy, (unfortunately, Diana has never really had a man since), made her opponents more formidable (like Ares, Circe, Silver Swan and Cheetah), made her an Ambassador of Peace, hooked her up with the greatest supporting cast of all time, Julia and Vanessa Kapatelis (currently, two totally squandered and ruined characters) --- and get this, he even took her out of heels and it made sense. George is a genius. He created the perfect template for her future. Too bad people aren't following it. (Grumble.)
The New Teen Titans
What can I say? Comic
genius. Along with writer, Marv Wolfman, they breathed new life into DC Comics and a group that was just a side kick/JLA group. Talk about an exciting book that kept me riveted
every month! Donna kidnapped and seduced by a god. Cyborg!!!! A brotha who was multi-layered!!!!! Changeling almost dying (when death actually
meant something in the DC Universe), then discovering vengeance thirst. (Gar was
yummy hairy boy.) Robin into Nightwing. Terra, the traitor and most interesting character of all time and her death (--- that needs to stay to stay dead lest squander its impact). The Judas Contract. Terminator. Starfire vs. Blackfire (
bitch from hell --- pardon me ---
fucking hell!) Who is Donna Troy? The Fearsome Five. The Doom Patrol.
Jericho, a hero with a "disability" and possibly --- what?
Gay?!? (Sadly, he wasn't. He was just ... "sensitive.") Tales of the Titans?!? Inside information and backgrounds?!? Yowsa!!! Brother Blood. Runaway children!!!! And, need no one EVER, EVER,
EVER forget --- Raven and Trigon. Raven, to this day, still ranks as one of my favorite superhero. (She combated evil in an actual evening gown and pumps. But, I digress ...) Trigon was what formed the new Teen Titans and became the catalyst for many storylines. George Perez brought a world to life with his incredible talent. The illustration above is only a
hint of his talent. Thanks, George. Even though I think comics kinda suck right now, I'm glad to know you're still there to make it interesting again. Always looking forward to more. I love you, George. You remind me why comics are wonderful!

(God I miss the nineties; looking good -- and everybody was dressing like that ^^)
Santiago!!! What's up?!? Yeah, I guess we were all dressing like that.
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