This entry is just one big SPOILER ALERT for fans of Doctor Who. This picture is one gigantic culmination of the Doctor Who universe --- at least, the one I know, which is the new Doctor Who. This pic is from The Stolen Earth, the end of season 4, where everything boiled to a head and it just became
too utterly fabulous and the Doctor Who universe exploded and it was biggest, most
incredible cross-over. Eventually, I believe, based upon The Doctor Who Specials, this is the last time we'll see any of these characters, especially together, ever, ever,
ever again. (Sob!) There's a new Doctor coming and I'm very optimistic. But, I will
forever miss the David Tennant -- Doctor. Really. It just breaks my heart. I got the Doctor Who - Specials DVD today and it shows David Tennant just ... walking away. He's giving BACK!!!! I got teary-eyed. I'm SO sappy.
Really. Without mention, I love, love,
loved the Christopher Eccelston Doctor Who,

who was a pleasant surprise to me. Doctor Who was always there in the background of my childhood, on PBS, this bizarre little show with HORRIBLE, low-budget "special effects." I was just clicking by on the TV. (Do any of you remember how you used to have to actually get UP to
change the channel? When the TV remote came along my Auntie called it a "clicker.") I remember the curly hair and rainbow scarf Doctor Who. It was creepy ... but, fascinating. So, when I was onboard with the new Doctor, it wasn't until the fourth season with my
beloved Catherine Tate (an
incredible, INCREDIBLE talent). I can't believe I never saw this show in order!!!! When
Torchwood came along (the "spin-off") I decided I wanted to catch it from the beginning since I was so far behind on Doctor Who. And, I fell in love with them. Doctor Who, just like Brenda Starr and the Negros, are projects for this blog that are just TOO much for me to take lightly. So, I'll just say that I will
really miss David Tennant with all of my heart. I will miss Rose Tyler. Jackie. Martha Jones. Micky Smith. And,
especially, Donna Noble. Especially. I wanted more in The Specials, but I think that's the way it was supposed to be. The great news of
Torchwood returning means --- Captain Jack is returning. (Even though, I'm still mad at him after "Children of the Earth.) I'm SO happy to hear that Sarah Jane (Adventures) has a third season which features David Tennant as The Doctor.
Whew! Annnnd, if you didn't catch it in the extras, when Rose and The Doctor (who has one heart) went to the parallel universe,
The Doctor gave him a plant, a Tardis of his own to grow, to protect
that world, (because the Tardis is a
living being) means that David Tennant can return at
any time. Yea! So, be warned --- you will see just some arbitrary pictures of the Doctor Who series here. Be pleasantly warned.