One of my first fav queer cartoonists I discovered is
David Kelly. We happened to share a common experience. He and I both wanted the
Mego Wonder Woman doll as blossoming queer children in the 70s. I got mine. He got his. And, his came with a somewhat familiar tale that became the start of his
Steven's Comics stories. I don't think he remembers me, but we actually ran into each other in the toy store that day!!!! (Okay. Maybe we didn't. But, still ...) Now,
Northwest Press has released the
entire Steven's Comics series in
"Rainy Day Recess." David Kelly proves that queer children existed and weren't recruited, particularly in a time when people started coming out as gay. What he visualizes so perfectly is the innocent little boy crush, fantasy world, heart break, self awareness, integrity and when a child's imagination allowed him to have fun.